Thursday 29 March 2007

Horatio Caine is soooooooooooo annoying!

Lord help us all!!!!! For some unknown reason I contiue to watch CSI:Miami even though I want to rip my skin off whenever 'He' is onscreen! I am now the proud owner of my fourth TV since watching the show as I fill with rage AT THE MERE MENTION OF HIS NAME!!!!!!
Several things wrong with Horatio Caine as well as the show in general:
a) Horatio Caine is in the show full stop!
b)He has a major God complex
c)If the producers let him, he would wear spandex and underpants
d)He acts like everyone is a complete idiot!
e)During season 3 I expected him to pounce on his sister in law!
f)He married Delko's sister! We all Know that that robot could never fall in love!
g)He asks questions that he clearly knows the answer to! WHY ASK HORATIO, WHY!!!!
h)He swoops in and takes credit for everyone elses work, acts like he knew it the whole time and then single handedly saves the day!
i)For the love of all that is right with the world, Horatio find somewhere else to stand at the end of the show except; a beach at sunset, somebody's funeral or the steps of the csi headquaters!
j)Would it kill him to crack a smile?
k)When he does very rarely smile its a creepy, weirdo smile and its almost always directed at some poor kid whose parents have jus been blown up or something.
m)He is always around when there is a bomb! Hmmmm, maybe somebody has a little bomb making hobby we don't see on screen............
n)He totally took over the grief angle of Marisol's death. She is Delko's sister and he just acts like its only him who it affects!
o)He has decided to lead a crusade againts the Mala Noche gang! Oh yeah what are you gonna do smack them over the head with your walking stick!
p)Those horrendously cheesy lines before the title sequence; who the hell says stuff like that in real life??????!!!!
q)Why oh why does he only change shirts at the beginning of a new series?
r)The show producers make him into some kinda of father figure to Delko; he's always like,"H, can I talk to you about my personal problems that have absolutley nothing to do with work but I'm telling you anyway so you can look like a superhero/counsellor/supercool boss/God"
s)He always finds himself in a car chase, speeding toward a airport or swamp to stop the perp or save the kid.And he always gets there first, saves the day THEN everyone else turns up!
t)He is always 'a shoulder to cry on for grieving widows, mothers, cats, voles etc.
u)He acts like he has the weight of the entire world on his shoulders when really he iis just the weight of his enormous head.
v)He takes EVERYONE'S death so hard!!!! "That cat had many more years left but now its dead. I now have to find a beach or some steps to brood on even though I don't know/like or care about the cat but I'll do because I think it makes me look cool"
w)They killed off speed when it should've been him! Poor speed...:-(
x)They got rid of Speed the only reason I stopped from flying out Miami and shoving those damn sunglasses down Horatio/David Caruso's throat!!!
y)The only reason speed got killed is because Horatio needed another reason to brood and moan and whine about stuff!
z)The last thing wrong with this show is all of the above plus Alexx really annoys me!
Holler at me if you agree,disagree or have any comments to do with the evil that is Horatio Caine and the absolute trash (That I continue to watch) that is CSI:Miami xx

1 comment:

Lucky-chan said...

Why continue watching when you hate the show so much? Why hate David? "Horatio" is JUST a fictional character! I mean you never even met him and what makes you hate him so much that you want to kill him? (Its just stupid to hate someone that you've never met) :P